Monday, October 5, 2015

Keep your brain healthy

A recent study has minted a new diet that may significantly reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease. The Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay ( MIND ) diet encourages regular consumption of 10 brain healthy food groups, which include green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries and whole grains, and limited consumption of five unhealthy food groups, which include fried or fast food and pastries ans sweets.  

Rush University Medical Center researchers studied the food intake of 923 people between the ages of 58 and 98 and scored how closely the participants' food intake matched the MIND diet, the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet.  Next, they measured the incidence of Alzheimer's over and average follow-up of 4.5 years.
Th conclusion?
Those who followed one of the three diets had a lower risk of Alzheimer's. 
Those who moderately adhered to the MIND diet saw a 35% lower risk of the disease while those who moderately adhered to the Mediterranean or DASH diets had no reduced risk, giving the MIND diet the top spot.  

Bottom line: Stay with your clean diet by eating lots of dark leafy greens, nuts and berries, but if the disease runs in your family, it might be worthwhile to try the MIND diet. 

Article Thanks to Clean Eating Magazine June 2015

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