Monday, October 26, 2015

Foods for beauty

Beauty Foods

While beauty is very much in they of the beholder, there are several traits that seem to be generally acknowledged as appealing.  Clear skin, strong teeth, bright eyes and shiny hair ar the indicators of good health.  They are attractive traits regardless of individual or cultural origins.

Foods to enjoy for beauty:
Grapes, strawberries, pineapple:
Use these fruits as topical skin exfoliants, as the contain alpha hydroxyl acids that help dissolve the dead skin cells that clog oil glands and cause pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Eating all sorts of fruit in general is great for skin, as fruit is both nutritionally dense and hydrating.

Almonds, beets, cashews and Swiss chard:
wile poisonous in larger quantities, small amounts of the oxalic acid contained in these foods have been shown to clear the skin and heal blemishes.

Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is a natural tooth whitener and contains mild acids that remove stains from the teeth.

Barley, crimini mushrooms and Brazil nuts:
These foods contain selenium, a mineral essential to immune function that can protect the body from cell damage. Sufficient selenium intake also encourages healthy thyroid functioning, which prompts the growth and regrowth of hair and nail cells.  

Goji berries:
Research has found a link between goji berries and the reversal of skin damage, particularly damage caused by sunburn and UV radiation.

Foods to avoid:
Those looking for a glowing appearance should avoid smoking, refined sugar, and processed foods. The chemical in cigarette smoke narrow blood vessels in the top layer of your skin, which limits the blood flow and thus the transportation of nutrients to those areas.  This causes premature aging and wrinkles.  cigarette smoke also yellows the teeth, and may reduce the body's overall nutrient absorption. 

Others: Avocado, Cucumber, Radishes

Did you know?
Drinking 3 cups of oolong tea a day can suppress symptoms of the imflammatory skin disorder eczema.

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