Thursday, September 5, 2013

Foods to buy Organic - "The Dirty Dozen plus More"

The Dirty Dozen

You can buy local. You can buy organic. And you can buy seasonal. But what does each label mean? And—when it comes to your health and the health of your family—what should you really focus on?
Many seasonal summertime fruits and vegetables are also on a list called the Dirty Dozen. The Dirty Dozen is a list compiled by the Environmental Working Group. It includes 12 fruits and vegetables that have been tested to have the most pesticide residues.
The Dirty Dozen are:
  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Cherry tomatoes
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Grapes
  6. Hot peppers
  7. Nectarines, imported
  8. Peaches
  9. Potatoes
  10. Spinach
  11. Strawberries
  12. Sweet bell peppers
The list has since been expanded to include kale, collard greens, and summer squash in the Dirty Dozen Plus.
Leona explains that when it comes to the Dirty Dozen, “You really want to emphasize organic fruits. This is the time to get them organic, they are available and the price is reasonable.”
And the best time to take advantage of farmer’s markets—which sell local, seasonal, and organic produce—is during the summer.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Additives Found in U.S. Foods but Banned in Other Countires

1. Artificial Food Dye: Makes your food pretty but inhibits nerve-cell development.

Found in: Practically everything we eat: cake mixes, sports drinks, cheese, candy, and even MACARONI AND CHEESE.
Why it’s dangerous: Artificial dyes are made from chemicals derived from PETROLEUM, which is also used to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and tar! Artificial dyes have been linked to brain cancer, nerve-cell deterioration, and hyperactivity, just to name a few.
Where it’s banned: Norway, Finland, Austria, France, and the United Kingdom

2. Olestra (or Olean): Lowers calorie counts while causing vitamin depletion and anal leakage.

Found in: Fat-free potato chips, corn chips, and French fries.
Why it’s dangerous: Created by Procter & Gamble as a substitute for cooking oil, Olestra robs your body of its ability to absorb vitamins. Fun side effects include cramps and leaky bowels.
Where it’s banned: The U.K. and Canada.

3. Brominated Vegetable Oil: Makes food dye stick to liquid, but also may cause birth defects and major organ damage.

Found in: Sports drinks and citrus-flavored sodas.
Why it’s dangerous: Bromine is a chemical used to stop CARPETS FROM CATCHING ON FIRE, so you can see why drinking it may not be the best idea. BVO is linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss.
Where it’s banned: In over 100 countries.

4. Potassium Bromate (or bromated flour): Great for impatient bakers, bad for your kidneys and nervous system.

Found in: Wraps, rolls, bread crumbs, bagel chips, flat breads.
Why it’s dangerous: Derived from the same harmful chemical as brominated vegetable oil, brominated flour is used to decrease baking time and reduce costs. Only problem is, it’s linked to kidney damage, cancer, and nervous system damage.
Where it’s banned: Europe, Canada, and China.

5. Azodicarbonamide: Bleaches flour, plastic, and induces asthma as an added bonus.

Found in: Breads, frozen dinners, boxed pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods.
Why it’s dangerous: Used to bleach both flour and FOAMED PLASTIC (yoga mats and the soles of sneakers), azodicarbonamide has been known to induce asthma.
Where it’s banned: Australia, the U.K., and most European countries.

6. BHA & BHT: Waxy preservatives linked to cancer and tumors.

Found in: Cereal, nut mixes, gum, butter, meat, dehydrated potatoes.
Why it’s dangerous: Used to keep food from becoming rancid, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) are known to cause cancer in rats. And we’re next!
Where it’s banned: The U.K., Japan, and many other European countries.

7. Synthetic Growth Hormones rBGH and rBST: Harmful to cows and linked to increasing tumor development in humans

Found in: Milk and dairy products.
Why it’s dangerous: Growth hormones are bad for cows and people, potentially causing infertility, weakened muscle growth, and a whole array of cancers.
Where it’s banned: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU.

8. Arsenic: Basically this will slowly kill you if you ingest enough of it.

Found in: Poultry.
Why it’s dangerous: Used in chicken feed to make meat appear pinker and fresher, arsenic is POISON, which will kill you if you ingest enough.
Where it’s banned: The European Union.

Source: From the book 'Rich Food, Poor Food' by Dr. Jayson Calton and Mira Calton

Monday, July 29, 2013

Immune System Part 2

Disorders of the immune system
Because it fights to ward off disease and infections every day, the immune system plays an essential role in protecting our health. It is involved in every thing from repairing a paper cut to killing life-threatening parasites. Every illness, injury, and threat to the body requires an immune response in order to heal.

When compromised, however, the immune system may lead in bacteria and viruses, which cause conditions like coals and flus.. If overworked, protective immune responses may even harm the body – causing issues like chronic inflammation and autoimmune disease, which occur when the immune system attacks healthy body tissues. The development of cancer is also links to a compromised immune system.

Common viral and bacterial infections
the immune system is the body’s first line of protection against viruses like the common cold and influenza, as well as bacterial infections like pneumonia, salmonella, urinary tract infection, and ear infection. While some of these conditions can eventually sort themselves out, others can be quite serious and demand medical attention.
inflammation is part of our normal immune response. When the body is harmed, it says lymph and white blood cells through the lymphatic system to flood the area of concern. This fluid uses chemical reactions to separate and remove the harmful substances, restoring the cells back to their normal state.

While brief periods of inflammation – known as acute inflammation – work to heal the body, inflammation that extends for long periods of time or chronic inflammation puts a strain on the circulatory and immune systems, damages body tissues, and destroys cells. Chronic inflammation can be attributed to a diet high in processed foods and/or to food sensitivities and allergies. Chronic inflammation makes the body more prone to contracting other illnesses that may cause autoimmune diseases – health problems that occur when the immune system attacks healthy tissues in the body. 

Autoimmune diseases include celiac disease (gluten), cirrhosis of the liver, Crohn’s disease, lupus, anemia, psoriasis, arthritis, and type I diabetes among others. Eating properly can drastically reduce and reverse chronic inflammation, while eating processed foods can cause its development.

Cancer occurs when mutated cells reproduce uncontrollably, forming malignancies tumors that can invade and eventually take over other parts of the body. There are over 100 types of cancer, and the disease can occur in virtually any body part.
The risk of developing cancer depends on both genetics and your surrounding environment. Having a family history of the disease, smoking, being exposed to radiation, and eating a poor diet all increase a person’s risk of cancer. However, much evidence suggests that eating natural, high nutritious foods can swing even the most at risk individuals back to the other side of the spectrum.

Free radicals and antioxidants
The theory that links the presence of free radicals in the body to an increased cancer risk is gaining support in both medical and holistic healing circles. Free radicals are molecules taken in from the environment that lack an electron. This missing electron makes the free radical molecule unstable and prone to stealing electrons from other surrounding atoms. When ingested, free radicals steal electrons from the Adams of healthy cells. This process has been cited as a cause of premature aging and a host of illnesses and diseases including cancer.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. They do this by donating one of their own electrons to the free radical, so the free radical stops looking for an electron to steal. Antioxidants remain stable, even after they give an electron to a free radical. Certain nutrients, like vitamin C and E are particularly good for protecting the body against destructive free radicals. The best way to ensure you are getting a sufficient intake of antioxidants is by eating a balanced diet can of at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Immune System Part 1

Nourishing your immune system

The immune system protects the body from illness, infection, and disease. This complex system uses different body tissues and chemical reactions to defend our bodies from harmful invaders like bacteria, viruses, microbes, free radicals, and parasites. Different types of invaders trigger immune responses and produce antibodies – proteins produced by the immune system to defend the body. Over time, the body builds memory of which antibodies to use for each kind of invader, so protection becomes routine.

Components of the immune system
The lymphatic system plays a large role in the immune function. When vessels circulate and drain body fluids known as lymph to one from our organs. Lymph transports nutrients to the organs and removes any excess substances from them. Lymph also contains white blood cells – the soldiers of our body that kill a wide range of harmful invaders. White blood cells are manufactured in the finalists and bone marrow, then released into the lymph and circulated through the lymph vessels to their final destination.

Your blood contains roughly 50 billion white blood cells with the sole responsibility of maintaining your body’s natural defenses.
Risk factors for the immune system

Diet and lifestyle play a huge role in our immune system’s ability to keep our body functioning at its best. Unhealthy habits significantly increase the number of harmful chemical compounds our body takes in. These compounds, known as free radicals, are present in abundance in processed foods and alcohol. Free radicals also enter the body when we breathe in cigarette smoke, paint fumes, exhaust fumes, and other gasses and pollutants in the air.

Free radicals destabilize healthy atoms in the body, causing cell damage they may eventually lead to disease and illness. When our immune system constantly works to defend against free radicals, it has fewer resources available to fight off other invaders like viruses and bacteria, which is why we tend to get sicker when we fail to eat healthy or live a wholesome lifestyle.
Basically, the more free radicals we take in, the harder it becomes for our immune system to keep us healthy. If you are free radicals be taken, the more available our immune system is to seek and destroy other harmful invaders.

Immune statistics
  • The immune system is closely linked to cancer – the second leading cause of death in the United States. CDC 2011
  • An estimated 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease, and incidences are on the rise. US Department of Health and Human Services, 2010
  • Autoimmune diseases collectively rank as a top 10 causes of death in women from ages 10 – 64. American Journal of Public health, 2000.
  • Approximately one in two males and one in three females will contract cancer over the course of their lifetime. American Cancer Society, 2011
  • Over 40 diseases have been classified as having autoimmune roots; these diseases can be both chronic and deadly. National Institute of allergy and infectious diseases, 2004.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Keep your Brain Healthy

The role of the nervous system

The central nervous system is the body’s communication and control center. It controls all mental activity including thought, learning and memory. Using receptors, the nervous system detects both external (temperature, light, sound,) and internal(blood pressure, pH, glucose levels) input. Your brain makes decisions every second based on all of its inputs. Your central nervous system has a huge responsibility for sending the appropriate signal to the appropriate muscle or gland to produce the proper response to the data received. It is the nervous system that sends signals telling you to jump away from a moving car instead of in front of it.

This complicated organ system needs to be well fed! Eating too much or too little of the certain nutrients can have a huge impact on brain chemistry. The chemicals that transfer signals between the cells of the nervous system can either stimulate or calm the brain. This has a significant effect on digestion, focus, sleep and mood. Because of what we eat plays such a large role in dampening or improving mood, this section will list some mood balancing foods.

Common neurological disorders:
meningitis, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s palsy, brain tumor, stroke, epilepsy, ADD, dementia/Alzheimer’s, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy.

Nervous system disorders

With the system as complicated as the nervous system, one small problem can spell major consequences for the brain and the rest of the body. There are several factors that can lead to neurological disorders including genetics, trauma, and sell DK that naturally occurs with aging. While some of these factors cannot be avoided, others can be delayed and even prevented with a highly nutritious diet. In this section we focus on using nutrition to maintain overall brain health.

Stroke is the number one cause of neurological damage

One of the leading causes of death nationwide, strokes occur when the brain does not receive enough blood. This results in a swift and possibly permanent loss of brain function. Strokes can develop when blood vessels leading to the brain become blocked, or when blood vessels within the brain rupture. Clogged arteries, blood clots, or head trauma can be responsible for this interruption of normal blood flow. Suffering from a stroke may lead to hearing loss, paralysis, loss of speaking ability, or death, if not treated immediately.
Those strokes occur in the brain, they are also a disorder of the circulatory system. Individuals can reduce their risk of a stroke by following the diet, exercise, and lifestyle that is healthy.
Did you know? Roughly 250,000 neurons or nerve cells are produced each minute in the developing human fetus.

Dementia is the number two cause of neurological damage

Dementia is the term used to describe a gradual decline in healthy brain functioning. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. Medical experts are still trying to pinpoint exactly what causes Alzheimer’s(and dementia in general) , but they have observed that the tangled neurons and plaque buildup in brain tissues generally accompany the condition. These defects may cause some of the problems associated with the disorder.
Alzheimer’s disease tends to run in families but may also result from gradually hardening arteries that limit blood flow to the brain over time. Symptoms become worse as a sufferer ages, and he or she may grow more confused, disoriented, restless and unable to carry out normal human functions as time goes by.

Nervous system disorder risk factors

A family history of stroke, mental illness, or vision problems can increase a person’s risk of developing similar health issues. However, this can be delayed, prevented and/or possibly reversed with proper nutrition.

Strokes are often caused by cardiovascular problems. A healthy diet free of artery clogging trans fats, processed foods, and LDL or bad cholesterol can reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues that can lead to stroke. Also it is important to avoid smoking. Smoking damages the lining of the blood vessels and increases the likelihood of developing blood clots.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s and other degenerative brain disorders are also associated with a high risk lifestyle. Like with stroke, smoking, drug use, and the load – nutrients, high-fat diet can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Poor diet also plays a huge role in depression and other mood disorders, as mood – lifting neurotransmitters or happy chemicals in your brain can only be made from specific food-based proteins. Diets that do not include these foods restricts the brain’s ability to make and release these certain chemicals, leaving us open to developing a mood disorder.

Finally, vision and degenerative eye disorders are often tied to conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes. Both of these conditions relate to diet and lifestyle choices and are often brought on by eating processed foods and foods that are high in sugar.


Like with almost all potential health problems, these nervous system disorders can be delayed, prevented and even reversed by eating a nutrient – rich diet. There are even certain foods, that have been shown to specifically help maintain healthy brain tissue.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Over fed and malnourished

Let's take control of our Health!

Over the last few decades, America has become the most overfed yet undernourished nation in the world.
When we feel sick, we go straight to the doctor’s office, looking for a quick fix to relieve whatever ails us. And we think we are all well again
We get pills for feeling dizzy, pills for feeling sad, pills for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, indigestion, – you name it!

Yet, despite the ever-increasing variety of medicine available, current middle-aged Americans report feeling less healthy than the generation that preceded them.
Our life expectancies are reducing, as those of our children, who are expected to live 10 years less than we are. And most of us are dying from a small handful of the same avoidable diseases.

Leading causes of death in the United States:
1.     heart disease
2.     cancer
3.     chronic lower respiratory diseases
4.     stroke
5.     accidents
6.     Alzheimer’s disease
7.     diabetes
8.     influenza and pneumonia
9.     kidney diseases

Why then, with all the incredible medical advances of the last 50 years, are we getting less healthy as a population? It is because we are avoiding responsibility of our own health: failing to choose to live a healthy lifestyle, and instead relying on prescription medications, which often only treat the symptoms and not the underlying causes of our health problems.

So how do we reclaim our health?

If we want to regain true health, we must eat and properly digest real, whole foods. Each day, the link between diet and disease becomes more and more apparent. Since processed food enter the standard American diet in the mid-– 20th century, hospital visits, medicine prescriptions, and instances of obesity and its related issues has steadily increased. First came margarine, and fast food and frozen dinners, and now most Americans don’t understand what real, whole food is. The term whole food had to be created to define food not produced in a factory.

Is your food robbing your health?

Most of the foods sold in a typical market rob us of our health. We must steer clear of these unhealthy food products if we want to avoid contributing to gruesome American health statistics. We must change the way we eat. We need to significantly reduce the amount of processed food included in our diet.

If we don’t get back to basics and start eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and unaltered meets, our prognosis could be horrible. According to the American Cancer Society, half of all men and one third of all women in the United States will develop cancer at some point in their lives. The American Heart Association states that over 82 million Americans suffer from some form of heart disease, and over780,000 of these people die each year. These are tragic statistics considering that these diseases can be prevented and potentially reversed – not with the pill or one doctor’s visit, but with a commitment to following healthy eating habits.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Got insomnia? Juice foods for better sleep!

Don't let this happen to you!
Foods for Sleep:
Sleep plays a huge role in personal health. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule gives the body time to rest and rejuvenate Cells grow, woulds heal faster, memory sharpens , and muscles repair and strengthen when the body get adequate sleep.  While researchers make new discoveries about the purpose of sleep every day , the fact that every living animal sustains its own cycle suggests that sleep is hugely important for a walks of life.

Sleep apnea inhibits normal breath during sleep, which results in oxygen deprivation and causing sufferers to awaken suddenly, gasping for air.  Sufferers may not remember waking up at any point during the night, but will experience symptoms on insomnia like sluggishness lack of focus, and moodiness.   Depression may result, as sufferers cannot identify the cause of these issues.

Sleep apnea is associated with serious medical conditions like high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.  Sleep apnea can also greatly inhibit a person's REM (dream) sleep, and in doing so has been linked to an increased risk of developing extreme psychological disorders. Obesity increases a person's risk of experiencing sleep apnea, as excess fat inhibits the diaphragm from fully expanding. 

Preventing sleep problems:
Diet, nutrition and eating patterns have a large effect on sleep quality.  Foods and drinks contain compounds that can either keep you up at night, or help you sleep soundly. Mealtime also play a role in a person's sleep cycle. As a general rule of thumb, stop eating at least two hours before going to bed, and to not consume caffeine, smoke cigarettes, or ingest any other stimulants after 2:00pm in the afternoon. 

The amount of sleep needed differs between individuals, most adults function best on 7-8 hours of sleep.  The sleep cycle will repeat roughly four times in an eight-hour sleep.

Dates, cashews, oats, spirulina, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds all contain amino acid called tryptophan that releases chemicals melatonin and seratonin in the brain. Both chemicals give the body a happy drowsy feeling and play a large role in maintaining the sleep cycle. 

Pumpkin seeds, swiss chard and spinach all contain high magnesuim levels known to relax the muscles, strengthen the bones and encourage blood flow to all areas ot the body.  Due to its role in muscle relaxation, magnesium is linked to Restless Leg syndrome.  Increasing magnesium intake may help prevent instances of the condition. 

Did you know?
Staying awake for over 17 hours impairs your brain functioning the same amount as have blood alcohol content of .05%.

Falling asleep withibn five minutes of lying down indicates sleep deprivation.  Individuals with a healthy sleep cycle generally take 10 to 15 minutes to fully fall asleep.